Metro Weekly Flyer 17 January 2016

Metro Weekly Flyer 17 January 2016 discounts are unstoppable this week ! Check out newest flyer’s cover page. There is a lot of product discounted even this page. For rush hours you can prepare amazing pastas with shredded cheese varieties by Kosher. These kind of cheese everybody likes. Its delicious and fresh in vacuum bag. Kosher products are really good choice for flavor dinners. Or for snack time you can buy ALMA wafers lemon and chocolate varieties are intense. You will feel real lemon and chocolate taste in your mount. Metro has tea biscuits. Two kind biscuits available in Metro. At selected varieties just 69c. Its really perfect price-taste opportunity. If you have unexapted guest, you can just put a plate and make a tea for happy hours. With Metro, life is easier.

Fruitables products for you and family. Every child like fruit juice but this one is really perfect. Apple and eve tetra pack juice just $4.99. Also its 8x200ml big size bag ! Make your child happy with these products. Lets talk about pizzas. Actually there is nothing to say because I never met with someone who do not like pizza ! Pizza bagels from Macabee is really tasty. If you dont have time for prepare something, just heat it ! Enjoy your meal with Metro !

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