Weekly Flyers

Food Basics Weekly Flyer 15 Feb 2016 Ontario

Food Basics weekly flyer today has good deals and  great foods. Natrel Fine-Filtered White Milk is just 2.99$ and only for this week. Milk is important for children and it provide for them calcium. If they do not take calcium in young age when they grow up it will not be good for bones. General Mills Honey Nut, Cheerios, Batman or Superman Cereal. Especially Batman or Superman cereals are good for children when they do not want to eat breakfast. Also other varieties in cereals are available in Food Basics stores.

Delissio Pizza Thin Crispy Crust, Rustico Thin Crust and other varieties in Pizza section is existing. You can spend your time with this delicious and crispy pizzas in your warm home. Selection Cheese are tasty and has good quality. When you want add some cheese in your dinner meal you can add Selection Cheeses. Also you can do a lot of things with cheese. Food Basics stores has other varieties in cheese. Ice creams are very tasty but we must be careful for children because most of the times they do not know when they should stop.  Dempster’s Whole Grains or Villagio Toscana Bread and Tropicana Orange Juice give taste your breakfast. For your home also you can find household products.